분류 전체보기
- 오라클 11gR2 특정에러 trace 확인, 에러스택 확인 2023.11.06
- 오라클 19c not in 절에 null 허용 컬럼 관련 테스트 2023.09.21
- Oracle Linux 6 서버 cpu, memory 사용량 확인 2023.09.06
- ORA-08104: this index object is being online built or rebuilt 2023.09.01
- Warning: log write elapsed time 519ms, size 275KB 2023.08.17
- NSS2 is not running anymore. 2023.08.16
- ORA-31623: a job is not attached to this session via the specified handle 2023.08.12