ORACLE/Trouble Shooting
- ORA-03135: connection lost contact 2021.11.23
- sqlplus 에서 일부문자가 ???로 나올 때 해결 방법(윈도우 환경) 2021.11.02
- /bin/ld: warning: -z nolazyload ignored. 2021.10.20
- chmod: changing permissions of `$ORACLE_HOME/bin/extjobO 2021.10.20
- 오라클 19c RAC ora.proxy_advm 리소스 offline 2021.10.16
- 오라클 19c RAC 설치시 asmca GUI가 나오지 않을 때 2021.10.15
- [DBT-50000] Unable to check for available system memory. 2021.10.08