ORACLE/Trouble Shooting
- ORA-12514: TNS:listener does not currently know of service requested in connect descriptor 2019.02.18 2
- ORA-01308: dictionary directory is not set 2019.02.15
- [FATAL] [DBT-11211] The Automatic Memory Management option is not allowed when the total physical memory is greater than 4GB 2019.02.13
- DIA0 프로세스의 과도한 pga 사용 문제 2019.02.08
- 오라클 bdump 경로에 생기는 cdmp 폴더 2019.02.01
- ORA-12012 , ORA-20001 AND ORA-06512 FROM ORA$AT_OS_OPT_SY_XXX 2019.01.30
- Private strand flush not complete 2019.01.28 2