- ORA-19815: WARNING: db_recovery_file_dest_size of n bytes is 100.00% used 2023.07.07
- ORA-19809: limit exceeded for recovery files 2023.07.06
- 오라클 19c expdp가 ADG Standby db에서 동작하는지 확인 2023.07.06 1
- RMAN-08137: warning: archived log not deleted, needed for standby or upstream capture process 2023.03.02
- 오라클 12c R2 RAC to RAC ADG redo log 삭제 및 추가 및 리사이즈 하기 2022.06.27
- Error: ORA-16737: the redo transport service for member "ORAADG" has an error 2022.04.12
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- Oracle Linux 8.4에 Oracle 19c RAC to RAC ADG 설치 가이드_Part 3 2022.04.06 3
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- Oracle Linux 8.4에 Oracle 19c RAC to RAC ADG 설치 가이드_Part 1 2022.04.04 2
- Error: ORA-16698: member has a LOG_ARCHIVE_DEST_n parameter with SERVICE attribute set 2022.03.31
- Error: ORA-16653: failed to reinstate database 2022.03.31
- Oracle Linux 8.4에 Oracle 19c ADG 설치 가이드_Part 3 2022.03.30
- Oracle Linux 8.4에 Oracle 19c ADG 설치 가이드_Part 2 2022.03.28 1
- Oracle Linux 8.4에 Oracle 19c ADG 설치 가이드_Part 1 2022.03.28